Eco Tours in Papua New Guinea

Study Environmental Sciences & Have Overseas Adventures in Oceania

Global warming continues to have damaging effects on Papua New Guinea’s environment and wildlife as temperatures rise and more of its species have become endangered. Add an impact to your trip by educating your family and friends on global warming and avoiding the use of plastic waste.

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Sojourn – Gain a better understanding of the community you’re visiting. Learn about different religions or spiritual practices. How do these impact the communities? How does religion or spirituality influence local traditions?

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Savor – Will you choose sweet or savory? Take the time to visit local markets and discover unique local ingredients. Learn how to prepare traditional meals & local favorites.

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Tip of the Tongue – Each morning, take the time to learn a few basic greetings and phrases in the local language. Learn how to write greetings & your name in the local script.

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A Wrinkle in Time – History influences our present. Discover the history of the country you visit. Hear the stories of your guides & their family history. Where do they come from?

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Journal Journeys – Take some time to reflect on the day’s events and document your journey. Spend a moment journaling about the day had & day ahead. These are memories for a lifetime!

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Culture – From local dances, festivals, or simple gestures to communicate – all of these make up a country’s culture. Learn and practice cultural norms & how to show respect in the culture you visit.

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Your overseas adventure is off and away as you travel to Port Moresby. As your plane descends, look out your window to see Papua New Guinea’s diverse landscape of lush jungle and crystal seas. A local guide will greet you at the airport and transfer you to a jungle resort. 

The afternoon is yours to explore. Take a nature walk, splash in the hotel infinity pool, or take a nap after the long journey. In the evening, you will meet with your group and local guide for traditional Guinean cuisine. Take some time to get to know the people who will be your companions on the next week of adventures.

After a good night’s rest, it’s time to learn about the culture, people, and history of Papua New Guinea. Climb onboard your private coach bus to make your way to the Konedobu Coffee Factory. Enjoy a revitalizing cup of coffee as workers teach you how they harvest coffee beans. Next, you’re off to POM Nature Park to learn about the vegetation and agriculture of the country. Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant before arriving at Koki Fish Market. You may want to hold your nose as you walk through the stalls. Finally, arrive at Port Moresby’s Parliament House to learn about Papua New Guinea’s politics.

Take a break from the bustling city today as you experience the underwater world of Papua New Guinea. Rabual Harbor was formed due to a volcano collapse, which allowed the sea to enter.  During World War II the Japanese captured the harbor’s local town, which became their main military base in the South Pacific. As you dive into the deep sea, you will see an abundance of sea life, such as sea turtles, starfish, stingrays, and seahorses. However, you will also see the remains of walls built during World War II as well as plane wrecks. After spending three hours in the water, enjoy a picnic lunch and nature walk on land.

You are off to appreciate more of Papua New Guinea’s scenery as you arrive at Varirata National Park. Try and count how many bird species you can spot in this absolute bird lover’s haven. Where you able to find the bird of paradise? As you embark on a nature trail, stop to take photos of rushing waterfalls and rivers and budding plant life. Take a moment to soak up the fresh air and spectacular scenery that surrounds you. Finally, you will reach natural springs for a refreshing swim and picnic lunch.

Today, you are off to learn more about the people and culture of Papua New Guinea. Head deep into the Sogeri Jungle to arrive at a small village. The children will welcome you with a tribal dance and show you their projects and school. Next, you’ll visit the church and main store before enjoying a local-style lunch served with coconut juice. Save room in your tummy, because next is cooking lessons with the locals. You’ll also go on a jungle hike to find plants that are used for building houses, cleaning, and medicinal purposes. Cool off at a nearby gorge before heading back into the city. 

It’s your final day in Papua New Guinea! Make your way to the Sogeri Plateau. Explore the green oasis of forested mountains and farmland, and enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. After stopping by the Bomana War Cemetery, you’ll visit the Adventure Park Zoo to see the wildlife of the country. Make sure to stop at the orchid garden exhibit for a unique look at tropical birds. Are you brave enough to hold one? Finally, you’ll climb through the Rouna Gorge to experience panoramic views of the Crystal Rapids and Papuan Coastline. 

It has been a wonderful week in Papua New Guinea, but the time has come to say goodbye. Enjoy one final breakfast with your group and guides. Reflect on your fondest memories of the trip and what you learned. Next, you’re off to the local airport for your departure flight.

Papua New Guinea has endless greenery, pristine coastlines, and colorful wildlife. It’s also a country rich in history and culture. On this epic journey, you’ll learn how to harvest coffee beans, dive with exotic marine life, snorkel around underwater World War II wreckage, and spot hundreds of bird species. Book your trip to study environmental sciences in Papua New Guinea today!


3-6 Day
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7-12 Day
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7-14 Day
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