Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Travel is a joy and gives us experiences we will remember for a lifetime. But sometimes in our enthusiasm to get out there and see the world we can make some errors that put a damper on our fun – or even end the trip prematurely. Here’s a few common travel mistakes to avoid so you can have the best journey possible!

1. Overpacking

Absolutely number one when it comes to newbie travel mistakes is simply taking too much stuff. Even though we’re trying to get out of our comfort zone, it’s sometimes tempting to bring that comfort zone along with you.

Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Do you really need NINE pairs of shoes?

You should plan on doing laundry every seven or eight days anyway, so you don’t need more clothing than that. Bring two tops for every bottom and things that you can mix and match. Another helpful tip: everyone is tempted to grab just one more thing as they’re about to leave. Make an effort to do the opposite and take one or two things OUT of your suitcase on your way out the door and you’ll be happier over the coming days and weeks!

2. Overambitious Itineraries

Another common post-travel complaint is from people who tried to do too much. Some of the greatest joys in traveling come from the moments when you took time to sit back, relax and let a strange new place wash over you. Sure, hit your major spots, check off those bucket-list items. But just remember that dashing from place-to-place 24/7 isn’t all that much fun no matter where you are.

Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

3. Money, Money, Money

They say it makes the world go round, but one thing is certain: the world can come to a screeching halt if money becomes an issue when you’re traveling. A few tips:

  • Inform your bank of your travel plans before leaving. There’s no more heart-sinking message than seeing, “We are unable to process your transaction at this time,” on the ATM screen when you’re alone in a foreign country late at night.
  • Grab a small amount of local cash before leaving the airport, but wait to make a big exchange or withdrawal because the rates/charges will be better elsewhere.
  • Watch the budget. Have fun, but treat your budget not as a restriction but rather as a way to more fully immerse yourself. Choose local, mom and pop (cheaper) restaurants and home-cooked cuisine you prepare with your friends. You can learn a lot more during a night spent with new friends at the hostel or family home than you can screaming at each other over loud club music anyway.
Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

4. Back up Photos Daily!

Stuff happens, but you don’t want your photo memories to disappear along with a stolen or lost camera.

Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5. Double Check Travel Documents

Avoid nasty and expensive airport and hostel surprises by making sure you’ve got dates, times, your name, etc. all correct on your docs. Also, take a photo of your passport!

Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

6. The Road Less Traveled

If you’re going through all the trouble to travel, you might as well TRAVEL. Don’t make the mistake of following in a million other footsteps – instead, get out and create your own unique experiences. You’ll find those are the most memorable ones anyway, when you’re far from the selfie-snapping crowd!


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