Experience the Cultural Side of Laos

Global Travel & Engineering Studies in Southeast Asia

While Laos is known for its unique scenery and culture, over 1.4 million of its citizens are living under the poverty line. Add an impact to your trip by starting a fundraiser to combat poverty, or by handing out bagged lunches to the homeless.

The Worldwide Navigators Difference


Sojourn – Gain a better understanding of the community you’re visiting. Learn about different religions or spiritual practices. How do these impact the communities? How does religion or spirituality influence local traditions?

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Savor – Will you choose sweet or savory? Take the time to visit local markets and discover unique local ingredients. Learn how to prepare traditional meals & local favorites.

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Tip of the Tongue – Each morning, take the time to learn a few basic greetings and phrases in the local language. Learn how to write greetings & your name in the local script.

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A Wrinkle in Time – History influences our present. Discover the history of the country you visit. Hear the stories of your guides & their family history. Where do they come from?

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Journal Journeys – Take some time to reflect on the day’s events and document your journey. Spend a moment journaling about the day had & day ahead. These are memories for a lifetime!

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Culture – From local dances, festivals, or simple gestures to communicate – all of these make up a country’s culture. Learn and practice cultural norms & how to show respect in the culture you visit.

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Your adventure in global travel has begun as you fly into Vientiane. As you descend, take a look out of your window to see Laos’s lush forests, flowing waterfalls, and towering mountains. A local guide will be waiting to transfer you to your hotel. 

The afternoon is yours to explore your environment. Explore the nearby markets, take a dip in the infinity pool, or go for a nature walk on a nearby path. In the evening, you’ll meet with your group and guide for authentic Laotian cuisine, which is a great opportunity to get to know your guides and ask questions about your upcoming adventures. 

Begin the day with a short drive to the Phou Khao Mountain villages where you will be teaching young adults entrepreneurship. This morning, you will have a couple of hours of orientation and training, as well as meet the students you will be teaching. Each morning you will teach lessons before exploring the country of Laos. In the afternoon, make your way back to the city of Vientiane for lunch at a local restaurant. Next, you’re off to the famous Buddha Park, which is home to over 200 statues. Following this, you climb to the top of the Patuxay Monument for a spectacular panoramic view of the city. Finally, walk along Lane Xang Street to shop for souvenirs and view the ruins of a 13th-century Hindu temple. 

Today is your first day of classes! Be sure to review your syllabus on your ride to the village. Your students will be so grateful for your teachings. In the afternoon, you will visit the Royal Palace Museum and Vat Saen Monastery. After a picnic lunch, you will make your way to the renown Kuang Si Waterfall, where you can enjoy swimming in its warm, turquoise pools. You’ll have free time to enjoy nature walks, suntanning, or cliff jumping before heading back to your hotel.

Another morning of classes. As you teach your students how to design, launch, and run a business, be sure to ask what kinds of companies they plan on creating. After all that teaching, it’s time for you to learn a thing or two. Meet a chef at a local market to pick up fresh, locally grown ingredients. You’ll return to his restaurant to learn how to prepare a traditional Laotian meal. The most rewarding part is eating it afterward. Enjoy a tuk-tuk ride back to your hotel.

Make your way back into the mountain village where your students will be waiting eagerly for you. By now you are probably getting the hang of this teaching thing. Enjoy a homemade lunch in the village provided by the locals before heading out to visit the Pak Ou Cave. Board a small boat to make your way across the Mekong River to arrive at the site of the caves. Take time to explore this magical landscape. You’ll be sure to find winding stairs, burning incense, and Buddhist statues within the caves depths. Make sure to grab a flashlight on your way in!

For your final day of teaching, you will help students develop strategies to implement the starting of their business — a very exciting moment for blooming entrepreneurs! Citizens of Laos do not have the same opportunities for education and careers as you do in your home country, so the teaching you’ve done has made a significant impact. In the afternoon, you’ll make your way to Nam Njam Lake for a boat ride to its dam. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and wind in your hair as your soar. Along the way, you’ll stop by rice fields, archaeological sites, and a salt factory. Enjoy views of the sun setting over the horizon on your way back into the city.

It has been both an adventurous and educational week. Hopefully, you had lots of fun, but it’s now time to leave. Enjoy a final breakfast with your group and guides. Talk about your favorite memories and what you have learned. Next, head to the airport for your departure flight home.

Laos is known for its history and cuisine, cascading waterfalls, and sunset treks. While the country may be tiny, its lively people and endless adventures will leave a lifelong impression.

On this trip to Laos, you will teach entrepreneurship to village students while also visiting the country’s top attractions. The trip highlights include swimming in the Kuang Si Waterfall, learning how to cook authentic Laotian cuisine, and exploring the Pak Ou Caves. Global travel to Laos today!


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