UN Development Goal:
Responsible Consumption & Production
Development & Sustainable Development are two very contrasting things
The ability to separate economic growth from resource use is one of the biggest challenges the global community faces today. The material footprint for fossil fuels is 4X higher in developed countries than in developing countries. “But how are developing countries supposed to grown capital without greater resource dependence,” you may ask? That’s what SDG 12 is all about!
Make an Impact on Consumption & Production
Take Action!

Teach Sustainable Agriculture Techniques – Teaching sustainable techniques in agricultural processes can help minimize negative environmental impacts on water resources, soil degradation, etc. It can also greatly minimize greenhouse gas emissions resulting in less production waste.
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Create Opportunities for Sustainable Development and Conservation of Natural Resources – Transitioning economies that have extremely negative impacts into economies that have better opportunity can open doors for development and conservation of natural resources.
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Introduce Education for Responsible Consumption – Households have an immense impact on food production and agriculture through their purchasing habits and dietary choices. By educating individuals on these impacts, they will be more empowered to make responsible decisions related to the productions they support.
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Groups have provided educational courses focused on farming to help communities develop sustainable practices that is good for the environment and the land they rely on.
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Support local ecotourism to shift the local income paradigm. In the past we have had groups rent boats from Indonesian shark fisherman for tourism reasons. The fisherman then have their income replaced by tourists who prefer to see sharks alive instead of dead.
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Teach individuals about the value of buying local foods, goods and services and the direct impact that has on their local economy.
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